Extracurricular Projects
Xwing Internship: Cessna Caravan Emergency Egress Doors
Implemented emergency egress door modification for a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan door for pilot safety in case of unrecoverable flight test situation
Designed linkage mechanism and drafted engineering drawings in Solidworks, and worked with machine shop to fabricate parts
Implemented final modifications and installed mechanism onto the aircraft
Interfaced with the flight test, flight mechanic, and hardware integration teams to for design reviews and iterative design of safety-critical component
Special thanks to my mentors at Xwing for their guidance on this project.
Eye Animatronic
Designed a compact 6-DOF eye animatronic capable of blinking and tracking faces across its field of view using computer vision face recognition
Implemented custom printed circuit board (PCB) with KiCad to handle power regulation/distribution and direct servo control signals with ESP32
3D-printed and assembled intricate set of linkages to convert servo motion into independent eyeball movement in X and Y and blinking of eyelids
Final Presentation Slides (Video Included)
Collaborated with Abhi Alderman and Cindy Lin
Hydro Helper
Created a smart water bottle to track water consumption and an easy-to-use app interface to interact with tracked data
Integrated electrical and computing components, including an Arduino, LCD display, ultrasonic sensor, bluetooth module
Designed 3D-printed mounting hardware for all necessary hardware
Collaborated with Michael Ren, Frederic Wang, and Anthony Zhou
Miscellaneous Manufacturing Projects
Programmed Tormach PCNC 440 Mill to machine a 6061 aluminum representational model of a Porsche Taycan using Fusion 360 CAM
Collaborated with Annika Yong
Used a manual lathe to mass-manufacture 40+ aluminum inserts (within 3 thou tolerance) for use in supporting bolts in composite sandwich panelsÂ
Special thanks to the UC Berkeley Mechanical Engineering Machine Shop and Jacobs Hall Makerspace staff for their support!